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This function combines formulas to create calculated metrics in Adobe Analytics


  name = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  formula = NULL,
  seg_filter = NULL,
  polarity = "positive",
  precision = 0,
  type = "decimal",
  create_cm = FALSE,
  tagNames = NULL,
  internal = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



This is the name of the new calculated metric (required)


This is the description of the segment (optional)


Formulas are list objects created using the cm_formula() function.


A segment filter to be added to a metric in the formula


Also known as 'Show Upward Trend As' in the UI. Options include 'positive' (default) or 'negative'. This metric polarity setting shows whether Analytics should consider an upward trend in the metric as good (green) or bad (red). As a result, the report’s graph will show as green or red when it’s going up.


Shows how many decimal places will be shown in the report. The maximum number of decimal places you can specify is 10. Also known as 'Decimal Places' in the UI. Default is 0. Must be a numeric.


Choices include Decimal (default), Time, Percent, and Currency. Also known as 'Format' in the UI.


Used to determine if the segment should be created in the report suite or if the definition should be returned to be validated using cm_validate. Default is FALSE


Apply tag names to the newly created calculated metric. Single string or a vector.


Determines if this segment is to be available in the UI. Default is FALSE, meaning the segment will not be available in the UI, nor will the ID be available in the aw_get_segments function call.


This enables the api call information to show in the console for help with debugging issues. default is FALSE


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


If the "create_cm" argument is set to FALSE a list object definition will be returned. If the "create_cm" argument is set to TRUE and the calculated metric is valid it will return a data frame of the newly created calculated metric id along with some other basic meta data. If it returns an error then the error response will be returned to help understand what needs to be corrected.


See more information here